Sunday, March 16, 2014

Shhh... Creativity is Talking

Whether it's pencil on paper or paint on canvas, I've always had some creative project on the mind.

Random Facebook Graffiti I did a long time ago

Thank goodness for high school art classes and parents who didn't undervalue my creative juices! I'm one of the lucky ones who had no significant "Debby Downer" in my artistic pursuits. 

However, creativity gets shafted by the academic scene and tends to play, at best, the supporting role to what society deems "academic success."

 Is this not wrong to anyone else?

I'd argue creativity plays a much more important role in our lives then we give it credit. It doesn't just help me make a sweet city layout in Simcity or play a musical instrument. It's not limited to helping me with just my art classes. Creativity is rooted in all aspects of life, and yet we still classify it as an optional attribute dedicated only to liberal minds. I think creativity deserves center stage in all of us!

I want to speak for creativity; give it a stronger voice then what it's been given. My hope is that this voice can be heard by the creative and those that say "I'm just not creative."

If creativity could speak for itself, like take human form and give a speech, I think it would be a little mad. It would sit those "non-creatives" down and smack them and say, "You rejected me, why!?" And then give them a hug.

For the next couple blog posts I want to say what creativity would say. Give creativity the voice it deserves for a little bit. We'll see what happens!

1 comment:

  1. Glad I wasn't a Debby Downer in your life! I always thought your humor was part of your creativeness too. Yay for the artsy people!!
